Ideology and Complexity

Ideology is a noble concept. We all have ideas about how the world should be, ideas about equality, justice, politics, democracy, technology. We would like the world to be a fair place, one that gives equal opportunity to all human beings.

The downside of ideologies is that most of them ignore the complexity of implementation. Most of them are outcome-based, seeking a state of perfection. It’s easy to believe in an inspiring idea that would make society strive, or move towards a more honest purpose.  What is actually hard, is to come up with the dynamics and engineering of how an ideology could actually work. Decide on the exact gear size and interplay between all the parts.

Everybody knows how to draw a car, we all have the idea of a car pretty much well defined in our heads. We know what it should do, we know how it should work. Yet, the majority of us, can't build a car from scratch. We don't possess enough knowledge to figure out the interplay between the parts and the systems behind.

If that's the case with a car, which it’s a relatively defined functional system. What makes us believe we understand fully the interplay of more complex systems like socio-economical ones?

The truth is, most of the topics we think we know about, we don't really know whats going on.  We are biological machines, with biological limits, and tricky senses. We can't assimilate all the variables that compose a complex problem because we don't have enough bandwidth.

The best we can do is to come up with frameworks, to build, test, fail and learn. The smaller the problem we try to solve, the highest the chance we can understand it and actually do something about it.